Healing rooms at Bethel Church – Redding Ca. Okay, so this testimony is from November 2009, while I attended first year at Bethel School of ministry. I was then involved ministering at the healing rooms which they have there: Today I went to the healing rooms, It was a lot of fun I had a […]
Les merSecond week of January 2015 We were on a treasure hunt in a city called Trondheim in Norway. A student named Laila and myself approached a couple outside of a grocery store named ‘Rema tusen’. On our treasure hunt list we had several clues; brown coat, black purse, hip problems, someone being brunette, scarf & […]
Les merA blind woman received her sight Today at the 26th of March 2015 I was invited to a “Jesus party”, it’s an interesting concept where the person hosting the event, invites unbelievers and people who are interested in God. I ministered the word of God, and then when we had prayer, a woman who was […]
Les mer[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/daniel.haddal/videos/10152732864250706/?l=2651577750662820885″ width=”1000″ height=”800″ onlyvideo=”1″]
Les mer[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/daniel.haddal/videos/10152349259715706/?l=5646383430195763717″ width=”1000″ height=”800″ onlyvideo=”1″] Lovely to be with the guys on tour in Israel. On this trip, we have seen dozens who sought salvation and tens of healings! And I was also thrown into the show and participated as one of the guys! Hallelujah, new level of taking risk! It is wonderful! Why not […]
Les mer[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/daniel.haddal/videos/10152349259715706/?l=5646383430195763717″ width=”1000″ height=”800″ onlyvideo=”1″] Herlig å være med gutta og Tore kransberg på tur i Israel. PÅ denne turen har vi sett mange titalls som søkte frelse og mange titalls helbredelser! Og jeg ble også kastet inn i showet og deltok som en av gutta! Halleluja, nye nivå av å ta risk! Det er […]
Les merVi var ute med vaffelkirken 28 Sept i Levanger på torget, fra kl 23.00- 02.30. Det var utrolig moro. Gud gjorde veldig mye bra! Vi var en stor gjeng som var med på det. Teamet var fantastiske, vi hadde med lokale supernaturlige vaffelstekere og andre fra både Tromsø, Trysil og Sandesjøen. Mange ble møtt av […]
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