Captive or prisoner – #deliverance teaching – Kris Vallotton

March 31, 2016
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Vekkelse til de nordiske landene

March 29, 2016

Wow, kjenner meg så giret til Awekening Europe! Jeg tror dette blir gjennombruddet for noe stort! Gleder meg så til dette vil skje! Her er et lite referat fra møtet:   Awkening Europe Sammen skal disse forandre Europa! Awekening Europe blir nå arranger for andre gang og denne gangen i Stocholm i Oktober. Ben Fritzearld […]

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Heidi Baker speaking in first year. 28 March 2016

March 29, 2016
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Heidi Baker speaking in first year. 28 March 2016

March 29, 2016
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Mission trip Mexico City March 28 th. 2011

March 28, 2016

Adults & kids were separated, Daniel shared with translator, all but x1 gave their lives to Jesus.

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Kingdom Lifestyle #Kingdom Lifestyle #Kingdom #Lifestyle

March 26, 2016

Living the Kingdom Lifestyle has to do with integrity and to walk in greatness! As we walk in the greatness of God, we are able to see things from His perspective and when we do that, hope hits into our heart and it touches us with His Supernatural Love. Kingdom Lifestyle, is a lifestyle that’s […]

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Herlig dag på Sundial Bridge i Redding California:)

March 26, 2016


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Activating Sara Webster’s revival group in Redding California.

March 26, 2016

Had such a great time visiting Sara Webster’s revival group at the 24th of March 2016. Sara Asked me if I could come by and share about healing! I just love to demonstrate and to activate people for the  Kingdom Lifestyle!      

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Becoming Love Home group – Daniel Haddal sharing. 24th March 2016.

March 25, 2016
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Update from Redding 28th & 29th of February 2016. Fire from Redding

March 24, 2016
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Daniel's reise





Video Blogg

