שולה כהן החלה לספק מידע מודיעיני חשוב למדינה הצעירה שנאבקה על קיומה, בכל הקשור לפעילות הצבאית של הלבנונים. במהלך השנים 1947–1961, גם לאחר תום מלחמת העצמאות והקמת המדינה, העבירה כהן מידע מודיעיני רב מסוריה ומלבנון לישראל. שולה כהן הייתה דמות מרכזית גם בפעילות למען הברחת יהודים מלבנון וממדינות ערב נוספות לארץ ישראל (ובהמשך למדינת ישראל). […]
Les merRaised in a Orthodox home in the Bronx Greg Hershberg never connected deeply with the synagogue as a young man. Shortly after college he started to climb the ladder of success living the high life in New York City. But it was in Israel on his honeymoon vacation that he had a vision of the […]
Les merOur brother Kareem’s testimony is going viral with over 1 Million views on our Arabic outreach channels in the last few weeks, and when you hear his story you’ll understand why! Help this film reach the Middle East with testimonies like, this. Become a partner with our One for Israel Arabic Ministry! https://www.oneforisrael.org/arabic-ministry/ Source
Les merTamir grew up in a Jewish home with Jewish ancestors. He heard of the Messiah in his youth which sent him on a journey of discovery of who this Messiah is. Watch how his search ended in Jesus and how it changed his life. Contact SO BE IT! – sobeit32ad@gmail.com Free Testimony E-book: https://jewsforjesus.org/our-stories-download Donate: […]
Les merGolan grew up in an Israeli kibbutz and found Jesus Yeshua to be the promised Messiah and Savior of the world. While studying in a Yeshiva, Golan realized that the New Testament was the most logical and natural continuance of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). After putting his faith in Yeshua, he devoted his life […]
Les merWatch another *inspirational* interview, featuring a JOYFUL family band – https://youtu.be/_KNd7ofFZoA SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – LINKS BELOW… Patreon – https://goo.gl/mkfhZF Donate – https://goo.gl/YUJ3db Check out our SOCIAL MEDIA Subscribe on YouTube – https://bit.ly/3Irxem4 Instagram – https://tinyurl.com/yygt9y7a Facebook – https://goo.gl/JnJf8f Here’s our MUSIC – Sounds Like Reign Our Music Channel – https://goo.gl/iZ88ko Website – http://www.SoundsLikeReign.com Free […]
Les merAfter rising High School football star Austin is sidelined by his coach, a chain of events begin. As he navigates his new friends and family, Austin finds himself on a collision course with bullies at his new school. He realizes that “winning” the game of life is best accomplished through faith. Written and Directed by […]
Les merEvery believer desires to know the presence of God, but what happens when you begin to live constantly aware of His presence? In this livestream, David Diga Hernandez reveals the power of dwelling in God’s presence 24/7. For more content, watch my sermon, “How to Practice the Presence of the Holy Spirit,” by clicking here: […]
Les merFire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego, CA. https://elisharevolution.com/give Schedule: Thursday – Sunday 7 p.m. IN-PERSON LOCATION Grace Church San Marcos 855 E Barham Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078 Links: App: https://bit.ly/2RJ5HTK Events: https://bit.ly/2uBDeHy Give: https://bit.ly/2tS4EZN Store: https://bit.ly/2Goczka Website: https://bit.ly/3aJlniI Social Media: Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Gqkeyx Instagram: https://bit.ly/37Ani7q Podcast: https://apple.co/2RQ8gUn Twitter: https://bit.ly/2O0FO0R YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aK3VdX Get access to […]
Les merRecorded Live from Jesus Image in Orlando, FL | February 12th, 2023 We’d love to have you join us on Sunday! You’ll find more information about our Sunday Services: https://jesusimagechurch.tv Join us as we lay our lives down at the feet of Jesus, seek His presence and learn how to share Him with the world! […]
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