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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarJesus Came to Save Sinners | Charles Spurgeon | Free Christian Audiobook
~ Audiobook Description ~ This is a heart-level conversation with you, the reader. Every excuse, reason, and roadblock for not coming to Christ is examined and duly dealt with. If you think you may be too bad, or if perhaps you really are bad and you sin either openly...
Dagens Jesus-fortelling vann til vin!
Dagens Jesus-fortelling vann til vin! Source
Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey To Heaven | Full Movie | Based on John Bunyan’s book
From Director Danny Carrales comes this modern adaptation of the beloved Christian classic, John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. This movie is a powerful allegory of the life of a believer on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Follow Christian...
Messianic Jew and Secular Jew Discuss Jesus | Street Interview
Jeff is a passionate Messianic Jew who is eager to share his faith in Jesus with others, particularly within his own Jewish community. On the other side is Gideon, a secular Jew who enjoys engaging in thought-provoking conversations but is cautious about the idea of...
7 Things That Break The Holy Spirit’s Heart
From Orthodox Judaism to Jesus | Yoel’s Testimony
Yoel's search for God took him into Orthodox Judaism, but God had different plans for him. Check out his fascinating story. Contact: sobeit32ad@gmail.com Donate: https://jewsforjesus.org/sobeit Free Testimony Ebook by Jews for Jesus:...
Kathryn Kuhlman How to Be Filled and Controlled By the Holy Spirit
SODOM & GOMORRAH « As it was so shall it be » 4K Short Documentary
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is REAL! If the judgement on Sodom & Gomorrah with fire and brimstone is real the whole Bible is! Do you want to escape the coming judgement, do you desire Eternal life? "Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is...
Shawn Bolz and Catch The Fire Worship – Revival 25 Conference (Session 8)
Catch The Fire - Revival 25 Conference (Session 8) Worship with Jonathan & Alice Clarke and Amber Brooks of Catch The Fire Message by Shawn Bolz ============ Revival 25 Conference is a new dawn. It’s an invitation to partake in a global team huddle of visionaries...
Kenneth Hagin in this expository message explains the secrets to his anointing Source
The Differences between God’s Voice and Your Thoughts
If you are having difficulty discerning the difference between God’s voice and your thoughts, this video is for you. David Diga Hernandez takes you through the Word to discover Biblical truths that will cause you to recognize God’s voice with both confidence and...
Asking Israelis Who the Messiah/Jesus Is | Street Interview
Who is the Messiah? Who is Jesus? This is the question we ask Israeli Jews on the streets of Tel Aviv We truly believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah and Savior of all people prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures, and that He came right on time according to...
סיפורה של שולה כהן, מרגלת יהודיה אשר הבריחה יהודים מלבנון לארץ ישראל
שולה כהן החלה לספק מידע מודיעיני חשוב למדינה הצעירה שנאבקה על קיומה, בכל הקשור לפעילות הצבאית של הלבנונים. במהלך השנים 1947–1961, גם לאחר תום מלחמת העצמאות והקמת המדינה, העבירה כהן מידע מודיעיני רב מסוריה ומלבנון לישראל. שולה כהן הייתה דמות מרכזית גם בפעילות למען...
He saw Yeshua on the Mount of Transfiguration!!! | I Met Messiah – Greg Hershberg
Raised in a Orthodox home in the Bronx Greg Hershberg never connected deeply with the synagogue as a young man. Shortly after college he started to climb the ladder of success living the high life in New York City. But it was in Israel on his honeymoon vacation that...
Kareem was raised for Jihad, until he saw the risen King! SHARE this powerful Testimony!
Our brother Kareem's testimony is going viral with over 1 Million views on our Arabic outreach channels in the last few weeks, and when you hear his story you'll understand why! Help this film reach the Middle East with testimonies like, this. Become a partner with...
A Jewish Man’s Discovery of Jesus | Tamir’s Testimony
Tamir grew up in a Jewish home with Jewish ancestors. He heard of the Messiah in his youth which sent him on a journey of discovery of who this Messiah is. Watch how his search ended in Jesus and how it changed his life. Contact SO BE IT! - sobeit32ad@gmail.com Free...
Christianity or Orthodox Judaism | Jesus Testimony of an Israeli Professor
Golan grew up in an Israeli kibbutz and found Jesus Yeshua to be the promised Messiah and Savior of the world. While studying in a Yeshiva, Golan realized that the New Testament was the most logical and natural continuance of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)....
Amish Couple Finds JESUS…then THIS Happens!
Watch another *inspirational* interview, featuring a JOYFUL family band - https://youtu.be/_KNd7ofFZoA SHOW YOUR SUPPORT - LINKS BELOW... Patreon - https://goo.gl/mkfhZF Donate - https://goo.gl/YUJ3db Check out our SOCIAL MEDIA Subscribe on YouTube -...