Second week of January 2015
We were on a treasure hunt in a city called Trondheim in Norway. A student named Laila and myself approached a couple outside of a grocery store named ‘Rema tusen’. On our treasure hunt list we had several clues; brown coat, black purse, hip problems, someone being brunette, scarf & green jacket. The woman and the man had all these of these clues and it turned out to be a powerful approach. It was a bit funny too- I asked the woman, do you have dark boots, a black purse, is your coat brown? The woman is nodding her head, being aware of it being right. Does your Hip hurt? The woman again nods her head. Both of them felt love and were encouraged by the prophetic words that we gave and that we boldly shared with them our faith. And it turned out that they both were atheists, but they liked our approach.
When we do things out of love, God shows up with His blessings, love and honor. Praise God.