Michael W. Smith: Worship Forever | Amy Grant, Tauren Wells, and Matt Redman | FULL CONCERT | TBN
Michael W. Smith presents Worship Forever on TBN. On September 11, 2001, Michael released his album, "Worship". Due to the tragic events that took place on 9/11 in America, that album quickly became meaningful to so many people who were crushed in spirit. 20 years...
Pastor Confronts Jehovah’s Witnesses at Airport
Watch this new video of Jeff Durbin confronting some Jehovah's Witnesses at the airport. Is Jesus God? What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? How should we debate and discuss with Jehovah's Witnesses? Watch and share this important video! Be sure to like, share, and...
Elizabeth’s Gift (2012) | Full Movie | Kari Hawker-Diaz | Paul D. Hunt
Laura and Steve are heartbroken after their loving daughter, Elizabeth, dies of an unusual heart condition. Later, Laura comes across a homeless girl, whose spirit reminds her of Elizabeth. Written and Directed by Rob Diamond Starring Kari Hawker-Diaz, Paul D. Hunt,...
My Name Is Job And This Is My Story.
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network ►Music licensed through Artlist.io ►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks ►Animation: Tina Davidson ►Writer: David Kolawole All scripture animations are derived from the...
“Drink Deep” Miranda Nelson | Fire and Glory Outpouring Night 1707 | July 9, 2023
Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego, CA. https://elisharevolution.com/give Schedule: Thursday - Sunday 7 p.m. IN-PERSON LOCATION Grace Church San Marcos 855 E Barham Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078 Links: App: https://bit.ly/2RJ5HTK Events: https://bit.ly/2uBDeHy Give:...
Nå er det tid for å tale! Kristne diskrimineres i Norge!
Nå er det tid for å tale! Kristne opplever mye diskriminering og fordommer i Norge. Nå er det tid for å tale! Vi lever i et samfunn der mangfold og toleranse er satt høyt blant noen grupper. Mens vi kristne opplever mye diskriminering og Intoleranse for vår tro. Det...
4-5 June 2023 vlog #Ålesund #Miracles #deliverance
"Hi, this is Daniel Haddal. We've landed here in Ålesund, and I hope you all are doing well. Today is the 5th of June, but we're going to discuss the events of yesterday, the 4th of June. It was an incredible day. We're here on a mission to preach the gospel at...
Daniel Haddal – Å være i brann for Jesus/ being on fire for Jesus
Pernille Wellerop – Den Hellige Ånd er din nærmeste venn/ Holy spirit is your best friend
Hope Gene Worship song on the streets of Ålesund.
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Danial Haddal