DAniel Haddal

Herrens herlighet – Styrkende daglige andakter

Shawn Bolz and Catch The Fire Worship – Revival 25 Conference (Session 8)

Shawn Bolz and Catch The Fire Worship – Revival 25 Conference (Session 8)

Catch The Fire – Revival 25 Conference (Session 8)

Worship with Jonathan & Alice Clarke and Amber Brooks of Catch The Fire
Message by Shawn Bolz


Revival 25 Conference is a new dawn. It’s an invitation to partake in a global team huddle of visionaries convened by the Holy Spirit. It’s training camp for the next generation of Kingdom leaders, architects and creators. It’s an unleashing ground to receive the Holy Spirit anointing and empowering for your calling. Celebrate 25 years of the Toronto Blessing with us!


Known internationally as a global revival centre, Catch The Fire Toronto is a thriving multi-cultural and multi-generational church.
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On the web: http://ctftoronto.com
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Instagram: http://instagram.com/ctftoronto

Consider contributing to our ministry: http://ctftoronto.com/giving


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Evangelist i Norge


Danial Haddal 


 Evangelist, innfluenser, Tiktoker og blogger