DAniel Haddal

Herrens herlighet – Styrkende daglige andakter

Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey To Heaven  |  Full Movie | Based on John Bunyan’s book

Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey To Heaven | Full Movie | Based on John Bunyan’s book

From Director Danny Carrales comes this modern adaptation of the beloved Christian classic, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. This movie is a powerful allegory of the life of a believer on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Follow Christian and his companions on a great Journey to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned. This allegory has very good truth presented and has the right message for anyone who wants to understand more about the real Christian life journey.

DVD & Digital at ReelChristian.com.

Other movies recommended on our Christian Movies YouTube channel:
Power of the Air – https://youtu.be/sjEWbpGvswo
A Dave Christiano Film


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Danial Haddal 


 Evangelist, innfluenser, Tiktoker og blogger